Worship at St. Luke’s
“Make a joyful noise to the Lord all the earth. Worship the Lord with gladness; come into his presence with singing.” Psalm 100:1-2
Discover a Life of Faith. . . . as we
Express our Faith — through liturgy, music and the spoken word all ages have the opportunity to participate in and support the worship life of this congregation.
No matter your age or gender, our liturgical form of worship invites you to participate in the worship of our Lord and Savior. Join in song and prayer. Those baptized Christians who trust in our Lord’s promise to be truly present as the body and blood in the forms of bread and wine are welcome to receive Holy Communion.
We welcome young children to the worship service. Children learn the patterns of worship — stand, sit, pray, sing — by active participation. However, if you prefer, a nursery is available to accommodate infants and very young children.
Liturgy means the work of the people, and there is a place for you to join us in assisting in our worship services and in our music programs.
Sunday is a day of leisure and many of our members dress accordingly, while showing respect for the occasion of worshipping the Lord.
Come to observe if you wish; or come and introduce yourself. We are happy that you are here and would like to welcome you.
St. Luke’s is a Reconciling in Christ Congregation