The St. Luke’s Dokmo Memorial Library is open to all members of our congregation. We provide resources for children and adults that strengthen the educational work of the congregation, increase understanding of our faith, enrich our worship life, provide information on social issues and deepen our relationship with Jesus Christ.
Search the St. Luke’s Library Catalog online.
The Church library is open for your use during regular office hours and also on Sunday mornings. Please feel free to use the resources as we always have—to browse, read, and check out materials. Also, stop by the Book Cart in the Atrium, which holds the monthly features, plus new books and other selected items, all available for check out.
There are now new book bags available to borrow when checking out items to take home. They are on the hooks just inside the first door. Be sure to return the bags when returning your books.
You will find a display of selected New Items and Featured Items in the Library Catalog.
- March 2025-Did You Know? Check the book cart in the Atrium this month!
- Interested in St. Luke’s history? We also have archival materials
- Do you like to read for fun? Welcome to the the Page Turners Book Club.
- Parents are urged to check out books for their children from the St. Luke’s Library.. See the children visit the Library 2024.
- View the gallery of pictures from the 2017 dedication of the library expansion.
We invite you to consider helping your church library grow and improve:
- Calling all St. Luke’s readers! St. Luke’s Library loves to refresh our collection from time to time. Although we often host an Adopt-a-Book Sale, you can let us know anytime what book(s) you have read recently that you would recommend to others. What do you think would be a good addition to our St. Luke’s library? Please share the title(s) and authors with us or let a library team member know, and we’ll consider all suggestions!
- You may wish to donate a book or consider purchasing a book from our Wish List. St. Luke’s Library welcomes your donations of new or gently used books! The Library Team wants to acknowledge all gifts, large or small, although it reserves the right to determine whether an item is appropriate. We’ve recently received some very nice books, but we don’t know who to thank! Please fill out a donation form on the desk when you drop off your gifts.
- You may wish to honor or memorialize a loved one with a gift in his or her name.
- You may wish to contribute funds toward supplies or equipment needed for the library.
- You may wish to be a Library Greeter.
- Contact the Library Team or the church office for more information about how you can help.