Domestic & Local

Believing that each of us needs to be Christ’s hands in our community, we invite you to join with us as we contribute our time, energy and resources to these organizations and activities.

RefugeeOne has resettled 2,413 refugees in Chicago in the past five years. The top five countries of origin of recent refugees are Burma, Afghanistan, Congo, Ukraine, and Iraq.

St Lukes is a co-sponsor. Co-sponsoring organizations, such as St. Luke’s, provide RefugeeOne with financial assistance to support a refugee or refugee family as they become self-sufficient. Co-sponsors also provide volunteers to more directly work with the refugees and provide for certain needs within the first 6 months after their arrival

Maine Township Food Pantry Help fill the Food Pantry Box. A special effort is made to encourage families to donate 40 items of food during the 40 days of Lent and to donate turkeys at Thanksgiving for Open Arms Food Pantry in the Logan Square neighborhood of Chicago.  First Sunday-Food Sunday–monthly food drive.  Please bring canned or packaged products for the food box in the Atrium.

The Blessing Box, built by an Eagle Scout and placed outside the church, is a another way for people experiencing food insecurity to get food items and toiletries easily any time of the day or night.  Those who can give are asked to keep it supplied for those who are in need.  Guidelines for Donations to the Blessing Box.

Crop Hunger Walk is an annual event in the Park Ridge and Niles communities. Join our walkers each October to support both Church World Service and the Maine Township Food Pantry.

Greater Chicago Food Depository From time to time we offer our assistance in repackaging food products for distribution to food pantries around Chicago.  We also help package food for Feed my Starving Children in Schaumburg.  Feed My Starving Children has tackled world hunger since 1987 by sending volunteer-packed, nutritious meals to 70 countries.

Blood Drive through Vitalant usually takes place at the St Luke’s during their the Spring. Come to help or to donate. Walk-ins are always welcome!

Quilt Makers The women in the quilting group will be happy to teach you how to tie the quilts to be distributed abroad by Lutheran World Relief to people suffering from natural and man made disasters.

Knitting Ladies I you would rather knit or crochet, the knitting ladies make shawls for elderly and shut in members and as gifts for new babies and for our graduates.

Card Making Ministry’s sales of beautiful hand made cards support ELCA World Hunger and Disaster Response. They also make cards to send to older members for holidays and on special occasions like “thinking of you” during the pandemic.

Bread for the World We encourage you to participate in advocacy for food justice issues here and abroad.  We write letters to our representatives in Congress in support of bills related to domestic and international hunger.

St Luke’s Green Team works on ways to help our congregation reduce its impact on the earth’s resources. Their efforts are applied to everything from efficient interior lighting to native plant and rain gardens. They also become involved in efforts in the Park Ridge community.

Alcoholics Anonymous meets at St. Luke’s 8:00 p.m. on Thursdays and Fridays.

AA Women’s Group meets at St. Luke’s 10:00 a.m. on Wednesdays.

Al-Anon meets at St. Luke’s 8:00 p.m. on Wednesdays and Fridays.

Contact St. Luke’s

205 N. Prospect Ave.
Park Ridge, IL 60068

Phone: 847-825-6659

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