Let Your Voice Be Heard!

St Luke’s supports several organizations that are public-private partnerships:

With the government’s suspension of USAID and the Refugee Resettlement Program their source of government funding has disappeared. Please click on each organization below to see how their work is impacted and then write or call your member of Congress to express your concern that these government funds resume.

Mystery of God’s Ways

In the wake of the trial and sentencing of the person who killed many in a synagogue in Pittsburgh, and in the shadow of too many antisemitic acts of hate every day we need to remember these words from Paul: the Jews are given “the sonship, the glory, the covenants, the giving of the law, the worship and the promises, the patriarchs and prophets” (Romans 9:4-5). And in our lesson for this coming Sunday Paul flatly states that the Jews are God’s people, the recipients of these inestimable gifts and working of God which “are irrevocable.”

My Encounter with White Fragility

The past three years have seen more conversation about and struggle with racial injustice than we have seen at any time since the assassination of the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Caring Connections, an ejournal published by Lutheran chaplains, pastoral counselors, and clinical educators, made a contribution to the conversation in its September 2020 issues, “Reflections on Racial Justice.” Following below is an edited version of my personal response to Robin DiAngelo’s White Fragility, published in that issue. I commend the book to you.
Pastor John Schumacher, BCC