Epiphany Home Blessing

Twelfth Night (January 5) or another day during the season of Epiphany offers an occasion for gathering with friends and family members for a blessing of the home, using the following as a model. Someone may lead the greeting and blessing, while another person may read the scripture passage.

Following an eastern European tradition, a visual blessing may be inscribed with white chalk above the main door; for example, 20 + CMB + 15. The numbers change with each new year. The three letters stand for either the ancient Latin blessing Christe mansionem benedica, which means, “Christ, bless this house,” or the legendary names of the magi (Caspar, Melchior, and Balthasar).

November Daily Prayer

As we enter November, the spirit of All Saints’ Day invites us to reflect on the saints who have shaped our lives. This month, consider embracing a simple but profound prayer practice: daily gratitude for those who have touched your journey, now departed yet enduring in their influence. Each day, you’ll be guided to remember someone specific—a mentor, a friend, a family member, or even a challenging figure—who has left a mark on your soul. Let this practice deepen your appreciation and connection to these beloved saints, grounding your days in gratitude and remembrance.

Speak the Truth

In a time when deceptive and hateful speech has become increasingly normalized, our ELCA bishops have offered a powerful call to action. In their recent statement, they remind us of the importance of truth and the role we play as followers of Christ to be vigilant in guarding it.

I encourage you to take time to read their full letter, and to join us in this intentional commitment to speak truth, resist falsehood, and amplify voices of justice.

You can read the full letter from the Conference of Bishops here.

Striving for Justice and Peace

For many years, St. Luke’s has been committed to serving our neighbors both near and far, guided by our belief that we are called to act in faith for the well-being of all of God’s children. A quick look at the list of organizations we have supported and partnered with domestically and internationally is quite astounding. As part of my service on the board of RefugeeOne, I recently found out that St. Luke’s has been one of the most generous congregational supporters of their work of all the congregations in the Metropolitan Chicago Synod of the ELCA. And I know we’ve had an impact on many others as well.

Passing on the Faith

I’ll never forget walking into a darkened sanctuary with hundreds of candles lit around the chancel and being taught the rhythm of evening prayer, week after week, with my small group of confirmation peers by Pastor Todd…”Let my prayer rise before you as incense…” The mystery of it all enchanted me.

I’ll never forget jumping up and down with Shari and singing silly songs, whose words of promise are still written on my heart…”Jesus loves me…”

I’ll never forget 80+ year old Ms. Lois who patiently sat with us and did those Sunday School workbook pages…the rote reminders were surely formative.

A Message from ELCA Vice President Imran Siddiqu

This past week the ELCA has found itself front and center in the news, due to things in the partisan political arena. Unfortunately, this also resulted in quite a bit of nastiness, as those who don’t like the ELCA took it as opportunity to drag our names in the mud. However, this is also an opportunity for us. An opportunity to share what being an ELCA Lutheran means. Why we love our Church. Why our theology of God’s grace secured by Jesus Christ’s death and resurrection naturally leads to love and affirmation of all people. Why our theology that none of us can do anything to earn God’s favor creates a radical equality of all children of the living God.

Encounters with God

Dear Friends in Christ,

I am delighted to lift up an exciting opportunity for spiritual growth at St. Luke’s this Fall. Our beloved Spirit Matters program is returning with a fresh format, introducing the transformative practices of Centering Prayer and Lectio Divina. I hope that you will give it a try! Just as there are many different personality types, there are also many ways to connect with God’s Spirit. You might discover a new depth of nourishment, inspiration, or challenge that you never expected or found elsewhere.

Heart Warmed

My pastor’s heart is beaming. Two of our wonderful high school students stretched themselves to participate in ministries of the larger Lutheran church this summer – and from what they’ve shared with me, they have no regrets. In fact, it transformed their faith in lasting ways. ***heart-warmed***