He Came for His Kids, but Stayed for Himself: Tim McCurry’s Story

Dr. Timothy McCurry, or simply “Tim,” as most of us know him, first connected with St. Luke’s when Tim’s oldest child was ready to begin confirmation classes. Tim and his wife, Debbie, were searching for a church that offered more support for their children’s faith formation. It was a friend’s invitation and recommendation that first led them through the doors at Prospect and Cedar.

Time in the Center of the Circle: Lisa Ramsey’s Story

As family mottos go, Lisa Ramsey embodies the Ramsey credo– Ramsey’s show up. Despite some introvert tendencies, Lisa’s heart compels her to action in caring for those around her. Seeking a church home, she wanted a congregation that was more than just a place to worship; she sought an active place where she and her family could act and effect positive change in the congregation, the community and the world.

Finding Home: Alex Birdwell’s Story

When Alex and his family first came to St. Luke’s, they were looking for a welcoming congregation to raise their children in the Lutheran faith. Having had limited and often excluding experiences with churches growing up, Alex desired a different experience for his family. He found this welcoming community at St. Luke’s, where Pastor Alex LaChapelle’s inviting presence and the warmth of the congregation immediately made them feel at home.