Plans for Fall 2023

I’m excited to share some news about our worship and Sunday School (child and adult) plans for this fall.  
At its July 11 meeting, the Church Council passed a resolution that beginning on September 10, 2023, we will offer two distinctive liturgies (services) on Sunday mornings, with communion at both services. The schedule will be:

Goal is 100 Blankets

This summer we are challenging the the entire congregation, including the children, to make 100 blankets! The blankets will be donated to the Who is My Neighbor-Helping Migrants Program. Our challenge date to have 100 blankets is September 10th the first day of Sunday school.

Park Ridge Chorale

Performs an evening of delightful music in the theme or Summer Lovin’ at St. Luke’s on Saturday, July 22, 7:00 p.m. Doors open at 6:30 p.m.

Advance tickets:
$16 for adults; $14 for seniors
At the door:
$20 for adults; $18 for seniors
Youth and children under 18 are always free.

Tickets are available from Gary and Kyle Cartwright and Adam Cartwright.

Recommend a Book

Calling all St. Luke’s readers! St. Luke’s Library will be hosting an Adopt-a-Book Sale in the fall. We love to refresh our collection from time to time, so let us know -What book(s) have you read recently that you would recommend to others? What do you think would be a good addition to our St. Luke’s library? What book(s) have you read recently that you would recommend to others? What do you think would be a good addition to our St. Luke’s library?

Bike to Church

Have you considered using your bicycle for shorter trips around town? St. Luke’s had bike racks installed by some talented members a few years ago. Sunday morning is a great day to take a bike trip as there’s not too much traffic. Come give them some company this summer! there will be worship outdoors on June 11, July 9, August 13. Come and bring the neighbors.

Men’s Breakfast

On June 6, 8:30 a.m., please join us for our final breakfast until October. We will serve outstanding pancakes, bacon, sausage, coffee and orange juice. Our speaker, Mr. Dan Winters is from the Shriners Children’s Hospital. He will explain how they provide free care for their many little patients. We look forward to seeing you. Questions? Contact John Nommensen.

Who is My Neighbor?

Have you been following the local news?  On Wednesday Night ABC Channel 7 News reported that the number of migrants who have been transported to Chicago from our country’s southern border since last August now exceeds 9,000.

These migrants—families and individuals—are not here illegally.  They are here seeking asylum.  Under U.S. law they have 1 year to demonstrate to the immigration courts that they have a legitimate claim to asylum and the right to stay in this country permanently.

In the meantime migrants struggle.  Chicago does not have adequate housing and support to offer migrants.  They have been bussed to area Chicago police districts and have been sleeping on the floors at the police stations.

Game Night

Game Night – May 13, 6:30 p.m.
Pickleball? Of course! And board games and card games for all ages.
And don’t forget the yummy snacks. All are welcome. Come, relax, and make new friends! Questions? Contact Rita Hoffer