Crop Walk

Help Support Crop Hunger Walk. Donate to a Walker or Participate as a Walker. Date: Sunday October 15, 2023. Gather at 1:45 p.m. at Messiah Lutheran, 1605 Vernon Ave. (near Maine East Football Field) Park Ridge, IL. Walk starts at 2:00 p.m. For more information, please send a email to Todd Raeder or Chris Dentamaro.

Spirit Matters

October 16 at 7:00 p.m. Spirit Matters is a faith sharing group. Our topic for October is ‘Community and our Deep Connectedness.’ Meetings include reflecting on scripture and other readings. Come be with us for a time of spiritual rest and refreshment. Your spirit matters! All are welcome. 

Adopt a Book Sale

The Adopt-a-Book Sale on September 17 a d 24 in the Atrium. Come and browse the pre-selected items from our wishlist, and donate to your church library. You may also honor or memorialize a special person or event. Here’s how the Adopt-a-Book sale works:

God’s Work Our Hands

Celebrating 10 Years “God’s work. Our hands.” on September 10
Join with over 8,700 congregations engaging in “God’s work. Our hands.” day of service. Across the country, thousands of members will engage in service activities to make a positive change in our communities, build and deepen relationships, and share God’s love.

8:00 a.m. and 10:15 a.m. Worship
9:oo a.m. Education; Fellowship.
Following worship:
Tied Blanket Challenge & Kindness Kits.
Email the office for more information.

Hymn Festival

Hymn Festival, Friday, August 4, 7:00 pm, “From the Heights of New Creation: A Hymn Festival Celebrating All the Saints”
All are invited to a program of readings, prayers, hymns, and songs! Led by Anne Krentz Organ and Karen Black, this event takes place in conjunction with the Augsburg Fortress Music Clinic.

Plans for Fall 2023

I’m excited to share some news about our worship and Sunday School (child and adult) plans for this fall.  
At its July 11 meeting, the Church Council passed a resolution that beginning on September 10, 2023, we will offer two distinctive liturgies (services) on Sunday mornings, with communion at both services. The schedule will be:

Goal is 100 Blankets

This summer we are challenging the the entire congregation, including the children, to make 100 blankets! The blankets will be donated to the Who is My Neighbor-Helping Migrants Program. Our challenge date to have 100 blankets is September 10th the first day of Sunday school.

Park Ridge Chorale

Performs an evening of delightful music in the theme or Summer Lovin’ at St. Luke’s on Saturday, July 22, 7:00 p.m. Doors open at 6:30 p.m.

Advance tickets:
$16 for adults; $14 for seniors
At the door:
$20 for adults; $18 for seniors
Youth and children under 18 are always free.

Tickets are available from Gary and Kyle Cartwright and Adam Cartwright.

Recommend a Book

Calling all St. Luke’s readers! St. Luke’s Library will be hosting an Adopt-a-Book Sale in the fall. We love to refresh our collection from time to time, so let us know -What book(s) have you read recently that you would recommend to others? What do you think would be a good addition to our St. Luke’s library? What book(s) have you read recently that you would recommend to others? What do you think would be a good addition to our St. Luke’s library?