Sunday School News

Sunday School begins September 15th at 9:30 am in Henderson Hall! We especially invite parents to join us this day to learn more about what this year will look like! Pastor Kyle, Kim Hendee, Anne Krentz Organ and many other hands will help lead our families in learning that God’s promises are promises!

Community Art Exhibit

St Luke’s invites the community to view the art of He Qui during the month of August. One can better understand the art of He Qi when it is seen as a reinterpretation of sacred art within an ancient Chinese art idiom. Chinese religious art, being an expression of Buddhism, was historically typified as a tranquil and utopian portrayal of nature, often painted with black ink and water. He Qi is especially influenced by the simple and beautiful artwork of the people in rural China. Within that framework, he seeks to redefine the relationship between people and spirituality with bold colors, embellished shapes and thick strokes. His work is a blend of Chinese folk art and traditional painting technique with the iconography of the Western Middle Ages and Modern Art.”


Blessing Box

Please help to keep the Blessing Box stocked.  The Blessing Box has been a very successful ministry for St. Luke’s. A mix of items that are single/smaller portions, as well as well family-size, work well. During these hot months, something as simple as bottled water goes a long way.  Take what you need; leave what you can.