Feed My Starving Children

Join a group of St. Luke’s members at the Schaumburg Feed My Starving Children location on Saturday, January 11th from 2:30-4:30 p.m.
Please plan to arrive 10-15 minutes early.
FMSC offers volunteers a one-of-a-kind experience. You’ll hand-pack rice, soy, dried vegetables and a nutritionally complete blend of vitamins and minerals into bags which are then sealed, boxed, placed on pallets and shipped to our incredible partners working hard to reach the neediest children around the world. Through volunteering at FMSC, you’ll get the chance to impact hundreds of kids in just two hours per packing shift. You’ll experience what it’s like to make a tangible difference today.

Please sign up using this link:

It’s a fun event for the whole family, however, a parent or adult must be present. The minimum age to volunteer is 5 years old.

Please reach out to Laura Heinrich with any questions (Heinrich71@gmail.com)

Good Gifts Fair

Join us December 8 and 15 for the Christmas ELCA Good Gifts Fair before and after worship. Learn about the many ways your donation can support life-changing projects such as the purchase of a farm animal, school supplies, vaccinations, health care, micro loans, as well as access to clean water and improved sanitation. Your gift will help break the cycle of hunger and poverty.

RefugeeOne Christmas

St. Luke’s will once again provide 200 gift bags for the RefugeeOne children. As we did last year we will be collecting money to support filling the gift bags. The Christmas parties will be held at RefugeeOne. Santa will be in person handing out the gift bags to each child.

85th Candlelight Service

St. Lukes 85th Candlelight Service of Lessons and Carols is held on Sunday, December 8 at 4:00 p.m. The adult and youth choirs, together with a variety of instrumental ensembles and chamber orchestra will lead this traditional seasonal service of word, prayer, and song. Plan now to attend and to bring family, friends, and neighbors.

Trim a Brookfield Zoo Christmas Tree

The Outreach Cabinet and Sunday School would like to invite you to join us at Brookfield Zoo on Sunday, November 10th, at 1:00 p.m. to decorate a Christmas tree for display during the Zoo Lights festival. Ornaments will be supplied by the Sunday School. We have a limited number of free admission and free parking passes that will be distributed on a first come, first served basis. Please contact Julie Rooney with questions.