Flu Shot Clinic

Come to St. Luke’s for your flu shot! Walgreens will be here to provide influenza, Pneumovax 23, Prevnar 13 and High Dose Influenza for those 65 and over. Check in the Atrium on Sunday, September 19, between 9:00 AM and 12:00 PM…the shot will be given in the Conference room.

Gods Work; Our Hands

St. Luke’s is participating in the ELCA’s unity day of service called “God’s Work; Our Hands.” On Sunday, September 12th between services (9:45 -10:30 AM). There will be service activities for the entire congregation and appropriate for families. Please mark your calendar to join us and watch for specific service project details as the date draws closer.

Rally Day

Don’t miss St. Luke’s Sunday School Opening Day September 19th at 9:45 AM. It is a day of excitement as classes will resume in person. This year, Rally Day will include the beginning of Little Lambs, Sunday School, Confirmation, Middle School Sunday School, and High School Forum. Information night for the 2022 ELCA Youth Gathering (open to grades 8-12). Come and join us!

Prayer Requests

Prayer requests If you or someone you know is in need of prayer, you may request to be put on the prayer list for the week. Please call the church office 847-825-6659 or email Susan Pinto. Indicate if it is an urgent situation (surgery, accident, etc.) or an ongoing illness. You may also request prayers of…

LSSI Back Packs

LSSI Back Packs St. Luke’s provides about 150 high school backpacks to Lutheran Social Services of Illinois (LSSI) for foster kids. The materials have been purchased and we are accepting donations to help fund the project. Each backpack costs about $40 in total. We are also looking for help filling the backpacks on Sunday August 8…

Youth Gathering

Youth gathering Make plans to attend the 2022 ELCA Youth Gathering, July 23-28, 2022 in Minneapolis. Talk to Pastor Sally, Gerry Mears or to St. Luke’s youth who have participated in the past. You don’t want to miss this opportunity.  

Black Church

The Black Church Join Pastor Johnson as he leads an Adult Conversation by Zoom on Wednesday evenings this summer starting July 14 at 7:00PM. The Title of the program is “A Study of the Black Church in America – What can St. Luke’s members and friends learn from our African American brothers and sisters?” Contact Pastor…