Dollars not Birds

Leave the bird in the freezer. We will be accepting money donations instead of turkeys. If you are able to donate, please make checks payable to St. Luke’s and mark Turkey Drive in the memo section. Drop your donations in the office by Sunday, November 21st. You may also contribute online.

World Hunger

World Hunger Appeal Thanksgiving is the time of year when we gather to remember all that we have to be thankful for. However, there are still families locally and nationally who suffer from food insecurity. Please take a moment to make a donation to ELCA World Hunger to make this Thanksgiving memorable for those less fortunate.

All Saints Sunday

On November 7 we celebrate All Saints Sunday. On All Saints’ Sunday, we remember and honor all those who have died since last All Saints’ Day. We will celebrate their lives and give thanks to God that both those in the church on earth and those in heaven are in the care and love of our God.

Spirit Matters

Spirit Matters will be meeting in-person at church in November with an option to join in via Zoom. Please join us at St. Luke’s on Monday, November 15 at 7:00 pm. Our topic will be Lectio Divina or “sacred reading.”

Hunger & Health

World Hunger Campaign – There are many ways to fight hunger. Clinics and community health programs provide health education and medical assistance for people living in poverty; and work to stop epidemics like malaria, water-borne illnesses, HIV, and AIDS. With improving health, they are able to rejoin the workforce and support their family. We have reached 60.25% of our $30,000 goal with only 3 months remaining.

Men’s Breakfast

The Men’s Breakfast is back! Join them on Monday, October 5th at 8:30 a.m. in Henderson Hall. Enjoy a pancake breakfast, followed by a slide presentation presented by Bruce Erickson about his experiences. There is a cup of coffee and a warm welcome waiting for you.

Pet Blessing

Bring your pet for a Pet Blessing on Sunday, October 3rd after the 10:45 a.m. service. Today we commemorate Saint Francis, patron saint of animals and the environment. All friendly pets are welcome on a leash or in a carrier, or you can bring a picture of your pet to be blessed. Pets that have passed away may also be remembered. In case of rain, the service will take place inside. Contact Pastor Sally Hanson with questions.

Crop Walk 2021

In 2021, we will continue to fight against the challenges of disease, disaster, displacement and other concerns that leave people hungry.
Join with us as we raise funds to help neighbors near and far get the meals they need for today and sustainable food security for tomorrow!