In Concert Together

In Concert, May 6, 2023 at 4:00 p.m. Join Chicago Bronze Handbell Ensemble and St. Luke’s own Celebration Ringers for It’s About Time: a musical exploration of the abstract concept of time. The selections will include an ageless variety of traditional, classical, and contemporary works reaching from morning to night and on to the eternal.

Midweek Service

Lenten Soup Supper and Holden Evening Prayer. All are welcome for soup, fellowship, and prayer on Wednesday, March 15. Come for soup any time between 6:00-7:00 p.m. in Henderson Hall, and stay for the Holden Evening Prayer service at 7:00 p.m. in the Sanctuary.

Holy Week Schedule

Holy Week 2023 begins with Palm Sunday on April 2nd and culminates with the Festival of the Resurrection on Easter Sunday, April 9th. Please, join us on this sacred journey for one or all of these services in remembrance of Christ’s Passion.

40 Items for Lent

We are excited to announce that St Luke’s Social Ministry will be supporting the Maine Township Food Pantry again this year during the Lenten season. This annual event has been a wonderful opportunity to help feed our local neighbors in the Maine Township Northwest Suburbs. The Food Pantry feeds over 300 families each month and the need increases every month.

Daily Reflections in Lent

ELCA World Hunger invites us to study, pray, reflect, and give during Lent – for our families, our neighbors, and communities around the world. We’ll post daily messages on our St. Luke’s Instagram from Ash Wednesday to Easter Sunday.
Follow @stlukespr on Instagram to join the conversation!

Ash Wednesday

Ash Wednesday on February 22nd marks the beginning of Lent, which is a season of preparation to celebrate the resurrection of Christ. Several opportunities for worship and fellowship are offered. All are welcome.

Men’s Breakfast

Come on Tuesday March 7 at 8:30 a.m. This month we welcome James Hanlon from the Park Ridge Zoning Commission as our speaker. Please join us for a delicious pancake breakfast, fellowship, and lively conversation. Please join us for a delicious pancake breakfast, fellowship, and lively conversation.

Family Read Along

All children of all ages and stages like to be read to, for good reasons – the closeness of being with a person they love, enjoying pictures together, engaging with a story by listening or reading for someone else! Long ago, before there were books, people devoted hours telling each other stories of all kinds. Today, children develop their morals, good character, problem solving and an understanding of faith and the needs of others through books. William Kirkpatrick, author of Books that Build Character, says reading aloud may well be “one of the most important contributions parents can make toward developing good character in their children.”

We’re Having a Party

You can call it: Shrove Tuesday, Fat Tuesday, Paczki Day, Festivale, Carnivale, Fastnacht Day or Mardi Gras (which is a week-long celebration leading up to Ash Wednesday). In many cultures, this day marks a time of indulgence and celebration before moving into the solemn season of Lent at Ash Wednesday.

Youth Choir Girls

From our director of music, Anne, “Youth Choir girls under the Christmas trees? It’s from our annual caroling and hot chocolate pre-Christmas rehearsal. One of the best nights of the year with this group. They are wonderful! See the picture.