Men’s Breakfast

Come on Tuesday March 7 at 8:30 a.m. This month we welcome James Hanlon from the Park Ridge Zoning Commission as our speaker. Please join us for a delicious pancake breakfast, fellowship, and lively conversation. Please join us for a delicious pancake breakfast, fellowship, and lively conversation.

Family Read Along

All children of all ages and stages like to be read to, for good reasons – the closeness of being with a person they love, enjoying pictures together, engaging with a story by listening or reading for someone else! Long ago, before there were books, people devoted hours telling each other stories of all kinds. Today, children develop their morals, good character, problem solving and an understanding of faith and the needs of others through books. William Kirkpatrick, author of Books that Build Character, says reading aloud may well be “one of the most important contributions parents can make toward developing good character in their children.”

We’re Having a Party

You can call it: Shrove Tuesday, Fat Tuesday, Paczki Day, Festivale, Carnivale, Fastnacht Day or Mardi Gras (which is a week-long celebration leading up to Ash Wednesday). In many cultures, this day marks a time of indulgence and celebration before moving into the solemn season of Lent at Ash Wednesday.

Youth Choir Girls

From our director of music, Anne, “Youth Choir girls under the Christmas trees? It’s from our annual caroling and hot chocolate pre-Christmas rehearsal. One of the best nights of the year with this group. They are wonderful! See the picture.

Spirit Matters

Spirit Matters will be meeting on Monday, January 16, 2023 at 7:00 p.m. Spirit Matters is a faith sharing group. The topic for January will be Forgiveness and Mercy. Meetings include readings from scripture and other sources and reflection around the topic as it relates to one’s life of faith and relationship with God. Come be with us for a time of spiritual rest and refreshment. Your spirit matters! All are welcome. Our gatherings are hybrid as each feels comfortable in-person or via Zoom. To receive the Zoom link on the meeting day, contact the church office.

Good Gifts Fair

Join us December 11 and 18 for the Christmas ELCA Good Gifts Fair before and after worship. Learn about the many ways your donation can support life-changing projects such as the purchase of a farm animal, school supplies, vaccinations, health care, micro loans, as well as access to clean water and improved sanitation. Your gift will help break the cycle of hunger and poverty.

Longest Night Service

Longest Night Service, Wednesday, December 21, 7:00 p.m. All are welcome on the winter solstice – the longest night of the year – to celebrate the coming of the light into our darkest places. With songs, candles, and prayers, we acknowledge the complexities of life’s journey, while celebrating light and hope that comes in the birth of Jesus.

RefugeeOne Gifts

St Luke’s is providing 200 gift bags for RefugeeOne children. In response to RefugeeOne’s request for us to provide a gift bag with items rather than gift cards, this year we are collecting money to support filling the gift bags. The Christmas parties will be in-person for the first time in a several years and will be held at RefugeeOne’s new location. Santa will be in person this year handing out the gift bags to each child.

Hymns for the Church Year

Spirit Matters meets on Monday, November 21 at 7:00 PM. This month, we are delighted to have a special guest, Anne Krentz Organ, Director of Music Ministries. As the church year comes to a close, Anne will lead us in a time for reflection with a tour of piano music through the church year.