Lent & Holy Week Schedule

Our Lenten Journey 2024 begins with Ash Wednesday on February 14 and culminates with the Festival of the Resurrection on Easter Sunday, March 31. Please, join us on this sacred journey for one or all of these services in remembrance of Christ’s Passion.

Ash Wednesday

Ash Wednesday on February 14th marks the beginning of Lent, which is a season of preparation to celebrate the resurrection of Christ. Several opportunities for worship and fellowship are offered. All are welcome.

Coat Drive

Open Arms Ministry has reached out to us for help. They have a large demand in the month of January to collect Winter Coats.

We are launching a Winter Coat Donation Drive to collect gently used or new winter coats for men, women, and children of all ages.

Spirit Matters

January 15, 2024 7:00 p.m. Our topic for January is “What Do You Treasure?” Meetings include reflecting on scripture and other readings. Come be with us at church for a time of spiritual rest and refreshment. Your spirit matters! All are welcome

Epiphany of Our Lord

On January 7 we continue the celebration of the twelve-day Christmas season, and in fact, this year we are adding a bonus “thirteenth day of Christmas.” We will celebrate the Epiphany of our Lord (“Feast of the Wisemen”), traditionally observed on January 6, with a bonfire, children’s star procession, and the music of the season.

Season of Christ’s Birth

You are invited to celebrate the Season of Christ’s Birth at St. Luke’s. Begin with Advent—the season of preparation, through Christmas, New Year, and Epiphany—the season when Christ is revealed. There are many worship opportunities as well as times for fun and joyful celebration indoors and outdoors. Bring the family and your friends and join the celebration.

Longest Night

With songs, litanies, candles, and prayers, St. Luke’s will offer “holy ground” to acknowledge the complexities of life’s journey, while celebrating light and hope that comes in the birth of Jesus. Please join us on Thursday evening, December 21, at 7:00 p.m. for this service.

Good Gifts Fair

Join us December 10 and 17 for the Christmas ELCA Good Gifts Fair before and after worship. Learn about the many ways your donation can support life-changing projects such as the purchase of a farm animal, school supplies, vaccinations, health care, micro loans, as well as access to clean water and improved sanitation. Your gift will help break the cycle of hunger and poverty.
If you are unable to attend, your donation may be made in cash or by check, payable to St. Luke’s. Note that it’s for “ELCA Good Gifts Fair” on the memo line. Donations may also be mailed to the church or made online. Thank you.