Womens Gathering

St. Luke’s Ladies Gathering Group will meet on November 9 at 12 noon. Kathryn Johnson will speak about “Celebrating Women Witnesses to Faith, Love, and Hope,” lifting up surprising figures from three periods of Christian life.

Please bring a sandwich with you, beverages and dessert will be provided. You are also invited to sign up in the sign up sheet in the church atrium.

All Saints Sunday

On November 3 we celebrate All Saints Sunday with one service at 10:45 a.m. It is our annual observance and celebration of all who were baptized or died since our last observance. Special music, prayers, and candle lighting will lead us through worship.

On November 3, we will have baptisimal ceremony and also receive new members. If you are will to join St. Luke’s, please talk to Pastor. Kyle or the church office before Oct 31.

Spirit Matters

On October 21 at 7:00 p.m. Spirit Matters offers an opportunity to explore Lectio Divina, which is a personal way to encounter God through scripture, and Centering Prayer, in which we quiet our minds and open our hearts to God’s loving presence. Come join us for spiritual rest and refreshment. Your spirit matters! All are welcome. If you are interested, please email to Diane Barounis or call the church office.

Join the Crop Walk

Niles / Park Ridge Annual CROP Hunger Walk – October 20th, 2024 Join Niles/Park Ridge area church communities!

Hunger is one of the greatest injustices facing our world, impacting families locally and globally. But it doesn’t have to be that way. Ending hunger is possible, and it is possible in our lifetime.

Sunday School News

Sunday School begins September 15th at 9:30 am in Henderson Hall! We especially invite parents to join us this day to learn more about what this year will look like! Pastor Kyle, Kim Hendee, Anne Krentz Organ and many other hands will help lead our families in learning that God’s promises are promises!