Honoring Our Neighbor’s Faith
A New Series for Lifelong Learning (Adult Formation): Honoring our Neighbor’s Faiths: Beginning Sunday, January 19 at 9:45 a.m.
All around us, in Park Ridge and beyond, is an abundance of religious diversity. Our lives intersect with neighbors and co-workers, school friends and sometimes family members too, who belong to other Christian churches or to communities of other religious traditions. How do we bring respectful interest to their practices and beliefs? How do we seek to understand their lives and perhaps to find ways to work together for the common good?
Beginning in January, Adult Faith Formation activities will include opportunities to explore a range of these communities. Our plan is to pair a Sunday morning session, about once a month, with a subsequent visit to a local community. Everyone would be welcome to participate in both events, or in either one of them.
At an introductory discussion in December, a number of possibilities were identified that we would like to learn more about. These include Christian neighbors from Orthodox to Non-denominational, and other communities which could include Bahá’ís and Buddhists, Jews and Muslims. We at some point may also consider the varied and growing group of “nones.” These include “spiritual seekers” and others who do not identify with a religious community.
Since that meeting, other ideas have also been proposed: thank you!
If you have a suggestion for a religious community you would like to learn about, please be in touch with Janet Hoiberg (jdhhoiberg@gmail.com ) or Kathryn Johnson (kljohnso@iglou.com).
And please come join us in January and beyond!