Remembering Carol – And all the Saints
During Summer, 2022, Carol Becker offered to be my coach and mentor as I transitioned our front lawn from grass (and weeds) to a shade garden. This year under her supervision we planted a variety of yews, hostas, ferns, wild geraniums, bergenia, and viburnum, including a blackhaw viburnum tree she chose to replace the serviceberry tree in our parkway which had died last year. It was fun to work with Carol, to experience her enthusiasm, and to see the energy she seemed to draw from this project. Carol was very much alive, despite the challenge of living with metastatic disease.
Last week the blackhaw viburnum seemed to burst into its autumnal finery – shades of pink, and red. The viburnum’s transformation and way in which it seemed to coincide with Carol’s death brought to mind a reflection I created many years ago for a Rainbow Hospice memorial service which subsequently appeared in Caring Connections, an ejournal published by Lutheran chaplains, pastoral counselors, and clinical educators. You can find it at this link What I Learned Planting Trees. I offer the reflection for us all as this month we remember Carol and all the saints.
Pastor John E. Schumacher, BCC