Civic Leaders of Faith
This coming Sunday will be our last session on the connection of our faith and our civil society. the conversations have been wide-ranging and fascinating. Last Sunday we were sharing examples of elected leaders whose lives and leadership were informed by their faith. I noted that yesterday was the 99th birthday of Jimmy Carter and I recalled a time that I was with him when his faith shined brightly. Religious leaders in New York City were with Jimmy Carter for the dedication of the 100,000th Habitat for Humanity home in Harlem. He said that most people think that Habitat is mainly about the house. But Carter said that we live in a world where a person of privilege and a person in poverty never have to be in the same space or have a conversation. Rich and poor can, and usually do, live their whole lives without encountering one another. He said the church has the enormous capacity to convene such encounters among strangers, powerful thing in this polarized time. Come join us Sunday as we continue the conversation.