Consider Leviathan
This past Sunday we began a study of the book of Genesis in the Adult Forum. (Come, join us at 8:45!)
As we read the first of the creation stories (Genesis 1:1 – 2:3) we saw reference to the creation of the “great sea monsters” – Leviathan – on the fifth day. Leviathan is the beast which the Psalmist reports (Psalm 104:26) the Creator formed simply to enjoy as it sported in the seas.
The origin of the Leviathan stories in the ancient near east is anchored in the people’s experience of the crocodilians that inhabited their world. This past week I had opportunity to get up close and personal with a lot of crocodilians and through that experience, came to better understand a Creator who delights in them.
One of the stops on the car club tour Judy and I led to southwest Michigan included an alligator sanctuary in Athens, Michigan. The sanctuary provides refuge to over 200 alligators as well as caimans, crocodiles, tortoises, turtles, and snakes. Heather, the staff member who guided us through the sanctuary, was incredible. Clearly, she loves her work. Heather spoke to the small gators in the pre-school (birth – 1 yr.) and kindergarten (1-2 yrs.) as if they were puppies or kittens, referring to them as “her babies.” She listened to them as they hissed and squeaked at her. The older alligators Heather called by name and could describe their unique personalities. Long before any of us on the tour recognized what was going on, Heather warned us that two of the bulls were about to engage in a dispute about territory, protecting us from the wave of mud their tail-thrashing created. It was Heather who yelled at them as if they were two hot-headed adolescent males (which they were) and told them to “knock it off” – which they did. And Heather was able to tell us the alligators’ various back-stories. One was raised with dogs and didn’t realize it was an alligator. Another alligator was raised in a frat house and refused the sanctuary’s diet of alligator biscuits (dried, ground fish and chicken). It preferred its previous diet of pizza and beer. Another gator had served as a guard animal in a drug house.
To watch Heather interact with her charges and to experience her love and enthusiasm for these alligators gave me a new vision of the God who loves and delights in all that is created. And if Heather can love and call by name these ugly “monsters,” surely our God loves and knows each of us.
Pastor John E Schumacher, BCC