Island of Truth and Freedom
This Sunday we will spend some time during the Adult Forum engaging the Lutheran roots of our Christian faith. Remember that you are invited to opening worship with the Sunday School at 8:30 a.m. in Henderson Hall, followed by the Adult Forum in the Conference Room at 8:45.
In the Gospel for Reformation Sunday in John, Chapter 8 Jesus says to us: “You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”
Those who are grasped by the truth of the Gospel have the freedom to be for the world, to serve the neighbor. That, finally, is the power of the reformation. What began as a crisis in pastoral care, in a concern that we not seek to escape from a confrontation with our mortality and a life apart from God (which we call sin), is a powerful word to us: the Gospel sets us free for truth, for service, for living for others. That alone authentically renews and reforms the church. St. Luke’s future will not come through schemes for survival, but from the truth that we are set free to serve in an always renewing and reforming mission.
My cousin, Walter Bouman, was a Lutheran pastor and seminary professor. He spoke of being in East Germany in the years before the wall came down and the country was reunified. In Leipzig, on Fridays at 6:00 p.m. Many Protestant\Lutheran churches would schedule a half hour of “Music and Meditation.” He remembers being at St. Thomas church during one of these events. After the brief service he asked the young man sitting next to him whether he belonged to the church. “No,” he said, “I am not churchly.” “Why do you come?” Walter asked. The young man thought for a moment, then said, “The church should be an island of truth and freedom. To come here should be like emigrating without leaving your country.”
Indeed. St. Luke’s is an island of truth and freedom. At the heart of our Lutheran identity is the Gospel. In the death and resurrection of Jesus God has given our lives back to freely love God and love our neighbor. I look forward to spending some time with you as we share a bit of the history, theology, and practical grace of our Lutheran tradition within the one Body of Christ.
Pastor Stephen Bouman