It’s so shiny …
This Sunday is Transfiguration. It is the bookend bridge between one church cycle (Christmas/Epiphany) and another (Lent/Easter). It is a time where Jesus brings humanity to the mountaintop to experience Jesus in his full divinity, shining in the glory of God. This “shiny” aspect is a replication of Moses on Mt. Sinai when Moses receives the second set of stone tablets with the 10 Commandments on them. He comes down so bright and shiny, that he wears a veil to cover his face because others struggled with how shiny and glowing he was. My silly side wonders if it was like a face peel treatment that promises more youthful skin that Moses experienced in his mountaintop facial while talking to God. The child in me wonders if both Moses and Jesus came down the mountain humming the song “Shiny” from Disney’s Moana. In a serious wonder, I wonder if the veil that Moses wore was similar to Covid facemask or more of a bridal veil.
I am constantly mesmerized by the timeliness and coincidence of the lectionary readings and how they interact with our daily lives. To have a lesson that is talking about masking/veiling on the eves of the removal of area indoor mask mandates is remarkable. Here are St. Luke’s, our Covid Taskforce is hard at work discerning our steps forward. Be on the lookout for further communication about this early next week.