Are You a Thrivent Member?

Are you a Thrivent member? Did you know that members may be eligible for thousands of dollars to contribute to special projects here at St. Luke’s?

There are two ways you can make a difference requesting Thrivent funds: Through Thrivent Action Teams Grants and Thrivent Choice Dollars.

Thrivent Action teams are simply a small group who wishes to put on a fundraiser, educational event or service activity. Thrivent provides up to $250 in seed money. Then you and your team can get busy bringing your project to life.

Spring Clean-Up

Don’t miss the opportunity to join “GO GREEN PARK RIDGE” the last Saturday of this month, April 27, 1:00-3:00 p.m. at AXEHEAD LAKE for this spring’s Forest & Woodland Clean-up. Please sign-up in the Atrium to register so the organizers will know how many people are participating from St. Luke’s. Wear long pants, long sleeved shirt or jacket, water-proof boots or shoes, work gloves and bring a reusable water bottle. Questions? Contact Carolynn Joesten or Laura Heinrich.

Spring Concert

On Sunday, May 5 at 4:30 p.m., St. Luke’s is pleased to host The Schaumburg Choral Artists, a new vocal ensemble providing a unique choral opportunity for advanced adult singers in the Chicago northwest suburbs and outlying communities.

Community Blood Drive

Community BLOOD DRIVE – May 8, 2:30 – 8 PM
SAVE THE DATE!! St. Luke’s is hosting a Community Blood Drive. Please sign up for a time in the atrium during Fellowship Hour (or any time you happen to be at church). Watch for more information. Questions? Please contact Diane Erickson.

Stepping into the Vulnerability

Dear church,
Anne and I had the opportunity to attend the Institute of Liturgical Studies this past week as part of our continuing education and we left with so many things to talk about … our minds were stimulated, and our souls refreshed.
In one of the sessions, I was reminded of the context of the foot-washing in John’s Gospel, which we heard on Maundy Thursday.
And so, we enter a moment of mystagogy about that experience … I spoke with a parishioner who chose not to participate in the foot washing.
Let’s see where the framework leads us …

Drenched in Joy

My family was able to join us for Easter Sunday this year and after the service, Clyde and I hosted them for a meal at our house. My sister shared that as I entered the sanctuary in the procession, with a bowl of water and ‘water-flinger’ in my hand (also known as an aspergillum), she saw me begin to sprinkle the congregation with drops of water, however, someone near her was facing forward and did not see me approaching. After being splattered in the face with water, she turned with irritation in her eyes to see who had just drenched her, only to see me passing by with joy!

Reflections of a Short Timer

As I enter the last month of my contracted interim at St. Luke’s, I thought it might a good time to share some of the things I’ve been thinking and feeling in this transition.

How can I help?

I retired from Rainbow Hospice and Palliative Care at the end of 2015. I spent the largest part of my professional life there and through most of those years established and managed the Spiritual Care & Healing Arts staff. But there were changes as there always are in health care, and it was time to go.

Installation Service

Installation of Pastor Kyle Severson as pastor of St. Luke’s on Sunday, April 21 at both services. We welcome our Synod Bishop, The Rev. Yehiel Curry, who will preside and preach at worship; and Pastor Kathy Nolte, who will install Pastor Kyle as our Lead Pastor.

Men’s Breakfast

Please join us Tuesday, April 2 at 8:30 a.m. upstairs in Henderson Hall for a delightful breakfast of pancakes, sausages, bacon, orange juice and coffee. Mr. Bill Scharringhausen, whose family operated a drug store, caring for the needs of Park Ridge for more than 100 years, will be our speaker. We look forward to seeing you.


Over the course of these next weeks of Easter, I hope to provide some space in this blog for reflecting on these experiences in the style of mystagogy.

Mystagogy is an ancient practice that will deepen our understanding and appreciation of the mysteries of our faith. It is more than a teaching tool; it’s a way to immerse ourselves in the sacred realities we’ve encountered in our recent liturgical celebrations.