Encounters with God

Dear Friends in Christ,

I am delighted to lift up an exciting opportunity for spiritual growth at St. Luke’s this Fall. Our beloved Spirit Matters program is returning with a fresh format, introducing the transformative practices of Centering Prayer and Lectio Divina. I hope that you will give it a try! Just as there are many different personality types, there are also many ways to connect with God’s Spirit. You might discover a new depth of nourishment, inspiration, or challenge that you never expected or found elsewhere.

Heart Warmed

My pastor’s heart is beaming. Two of our wonderful high school students stretched themselves to participate in ministries of the larger Lutheran church this summer – and from what they’ve shared with me, they have no regrets. In fact, it transformed their faith in lasting ways. ***heart-warmed***

Time in the Center of the Circle: Lisa Ramsey’s Story

As family mottos go, Lisa Ramsey embodies the Ramsey credo– Ramsey’s show up. Despite some introvert tendencies, Lisa’s heart compels her to action in caring for those around her. Seeking a church home, she wanted a congregation that was more than just a place to worship; she sought an active place where she and her family could act and effect positive change in the congregation, the community and the world.

Community Art Exhibit

St Luke’s invites the community to view the art of He Qui during the month of August. One can better understand the art of He Qi when it is seen as a reinterpretation of sacred art within an ancient Chinese art idiom. Chinese religious art, being an expression of Buddhism, was historically typified as a tranquil and utopian portrayal of nature, often painted with black ink and water. He Qi is especially influenced by the simple and beautiful artwork of the people in rural China. Within that framework, he seeks to redefine the relationship between people and spirituality with bold colors, embellished shapes and thick strokes. His work is a blend of Chinese folk art and traditional painting technique with the iconography of the Western Middle Ages and Modern Art.”

from https://omsc.ptsem.edu/artist-he-qi/

Created to Be

FROM THE PASTOR Created to Be When I was in seventh grade, my sister (four years older than I) went to the ELCA National Youth Gathering in St. Louis – “Dancing at the Crossroads.” I was so jealous!!! I was the churchy one – not her! She did bring me back a bible and a…

Rainbows in the Midst of Storms

Last Thursday, June 20th –  on the longest day of the year – members of St. Luke’s church, other inclusive congregations and community organizations, and residents gathered to celebrate the inaugural Pride in Park Ridge event. Hundreds of people gathered in the pursuit of affirming that love is greater than hate.

Blessing Box

Please help to keep the Blessing Box stocked.  The Blessing Box has been a very successful ministry for St. Luke’s. A mix of items that are single/smaller portions, as well as well family-size, work well. During these hot months, something as simple as bottled water goes a long way.  Take what you need; leave what you can.

Finding Home: Alex Birdwell’s Story

When Alex and his family first came to St. Luke’s, they were looking for a welcoming congregation to raise their children in the Lutheran faith. Having had limited and often excluding experiences with churches growing up, Alex desired a different experience for his family. He found this welcoming community at St. Luke’s, where Pastor Alex LaChapelle’s inviting presence and the warmth of the congregation immediately made them feel at home.