Election Day Prayer Vigil
All are invited to offer prayer on Election Day, November 5, between 6:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. The Sanctuary will be open for silent prayer and lighting of candles.
Please join us for a prayer vigil during the polling hours on Tuesday, November 5th.
Everlasting God, source of all liberty,
before whom every earthly ruler must bow and bend the knee,
we lay our nation before you as we prepare for an election.
Breathe upon us your Spirit of wisdom and discernment.
Grant all who seek public office the mind of Christ,
who came not to be served but to serve,
and to give his life for the freedom of the oppressed.
Hold before us those who face uncertain futures,
or who have no voice in our political process.
Uphold and safeguard poll workers and election officials
in their work.
Spare us from the crushing weight of cynicism.
Give us grace to speak courageously, but with love,
without which our words are noise and we are nothing.
Gather us together under the cross,
where, in all of our difference, we can stand as one people,
redeemed in Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord. Amen.