Passing on the Faith
Dear church,
I’ll never forget walking into a darkened sanctuary with hundreds of candles lit around the chancel and being taught the rhythm of evening prayer, week after week, with my small group of confirmation peers by Pastor Todd…”Let my prayer rise before you as incense…” The mystery of it all enchanted me.
I’ll never forget jumping up and down with Shari and singing silly songs, whose words of promise are still written on my heart…”Jesus loves me…”
I’ll never forget 80+ year old Ms. Lois who patiently sat with us and did those Sunday School workbook pages…the rote reminders were surely formative.
There’s something deeply special about the moments we spend passing on our faith to the next generation. It’s a gift we give to our children and our children’s children, one that plants seeds of trust, love, and hope in their hearts—seeds that, we pray, will continue to grow throughout their lives.
This year, the energy surrounding both our Sunday School and Confirmation programs is palpable. After several years of stabilizing growth, we’re ready to hit the ground running, and I can’t wait to see how our young people will be shaped by these faith experiences.
In Sunday School, there will be no workbook pages — sorry Ms. Lois, of blessed memory! We’re diving into the Old Testament stories that form the backbone of our Easter Vigil liturgy. These aren’t just tales from long ago—they are stories of God’s continual covenant with God’s people. Each week, our children will spend time deeply engaging with these narratives, learning to internalize and even retell them in ways that shape how they see God at work in their lives. Through repetition, creativity, and fun, we hope these stories leave a lasting impression.
And over in Confirmation, we’re excited to offer two different kinds of sessions: Faith Foundations and Life Together. In Faith Foundations, our students will explore the core teachings of our faith—catechism, the Bible, theology, and those big, sometimes tricky, questions of faith. These week’s we’ll also explore a variety of spiritual practices. But we’ll also spend time in Life Together, where the focus is on building relationships and making faith relevant to everyday life. Add in opportunities for worship leadership, service, and retreats, and I believe this year will be a time of real transformation for our young people.
Parents and guardians, you are crucial partners in this work. In the rite of baptism, we promise to provide for and participate in faith-forming opportunities so that our children can learn to trust in God. This is what we hope for most of all: that our children will come to trust the One who loves them beyond their wildest imagining.
As we enter this new program year, my personal hope is simple: that we learn together, grow together, and support one another. When we create spaces where our kids can connect faith with real life—where they can build relationships, ask questions, and serve others—faith takes root in meaningful ways.
From preschoolers learning about baptismal claims to fifth graders discovering prayers like St. Patrick’s Breastplate and the Prayer of Good Courage, we’re helping to create those milestones that become building blocks of faith. Every prayer learned, every story told, every connection made—it all matters.
So, here’s to a year of growing, learning, and deepening our trust in God’s love. I look forward to seeing where this journey takes us, and I’m grateful to be on it together.
God’s peace,
Pastor Kyle