A Message from ELCA Vice President Imran Siddiqu . . .
This past week the ELCA has found itself front and center in the news, due to things in the partisan political arena. Unfortunately, this also resulted in quite a bit of nastiness, as those who don’t like the ELCA took it as opportunity to drag our names in the mud. However, this is also an opportunity for us. An opportunity to share what being an ELCA Lutheran means. Why we love our Church. Why our theology of God’s grace secured by Jesus Christ’s death and resurrection naturally leads to love and affirmation of all people. Why our theology that none of us can do anything to earn God’s favor creates a radical equality of all children of the living God.
Rather than let provocateurs define who we are, let’s take up the mantle ourselves. Boldly share the Gospel of Christ and how we, as the ELCA, embody that. We’ve let fundamentalism define what it means to be a Christian for too long. Stop them from defining who we are as Church and what we believe. As we boldly share who we are, invite people to join us in our ministry, whether it be outreach events, social justice ministry, Bible study, or Worship. Above all, pray. This is the moment for us to stand up for our faith and our God. We can do no other.