Rainbows in the Midst of Storms
Last Thursday, June 20th – on the longest day of the year – members of St. Luke’s church, other inclusive congregations and community organizations, and residents gathered to celebrate the inaugural Pride in Park Ridge event. Hundreds of people gathered in the pursuit of affirming that love is greater than hate.
Even though it started to drizzle right at the start time, and quickly turned into a downpour, the crowd did not waver or lose enthusiasm.

Mayor Marty Maloney issued a proclamation that made our city proud. I remember him saying something like, “And whereas, all are welcome in the City of Park Ridge to live, work, and play, and every family of any shape deserves a place to call home where they are safe, happy, and supported by friends and neighbors…” I would also add worship. All are welcome to live, work, play, and worship.

But truly, you all warmed my heart and made me proud. Over 50 of you showed up to witness to our belief that God loves everyone. No question.

I asked members to share reflections about what this event meant for them and their family, their faith, and the congregation. Here are some quotes:
- “We were publicly affirming that all people should be treated equally and fairly, with love and respect. We are all God’s children and God loves us all!”
- “It was refreshing to have an affirming and positive celebration event.”
- “It warmed my heart to see so many families coming out in support of the LGBTQ community. I was extremely proud of St. Luke’s involvement, and moved by the support of so many churches in town!”
“It gave me some peace of mind as a Christian to see several Churches as sponsors […] it’s nice to have representation of denominations that emphasize Jesus’ message of ‘Love Thy neighbor’ and Christian values of compassion and inclusiveness.”
- “I was excited to have an opportunity to support members of the LGBTQ+ community in such a visible way. Little did I know the gift that that event would give me! I came away so uplifted by the celebration and the love and acceptance that was on display by people of all ages.”
- “For me, it’s so great that my boys can come to a gathering like this and see such overwhelming support for the LGBTQ community. As they get older, and they may start hearing other messages from their peers, it’s important that they understand where their parents, their community, and their church stand on these issues. Events like the Pride celebration also give them an opening to ask questions that might not otherwise come up.”
- “The Park Ridge Pride event had a good showing for a first time event, and our congregation made a good showing. Would like to see more events in future. “
- “My initial reaction: We’re gonna need a bigger venue for next year! Even with the rain, the turn-out was better than I anticipated. It was great to see heterosexual couples there with their kids, just normalizing gay pride, because it IS normal. Very intergenerational! It was nice to see people just hanging-out and making the best of the rain together. Everyone was super-nice and accommodating.”
- “I visited the Pride in Park Ridge event simply to show my support for the importance of respecting, supporting and protecting human rights for all people.”
- “…we saw a rainbow driving home that day. How perfect.”
Thank you so much for your witness. I was reminded of this quote recently:
As Teresa of Avila wrote,
“Christ has no body but yours,
No hands, no feet on earth but yours,
Yours are the eyes with which he looks
Compassion on this world,
Yours are the feet with which he walks to do good,
Yours are the hands, with which he blesses all the world.
Yours are the hands, yours are the feet,
Yours are the eyes, you are his body.
Christ has no body now but yours,
No hands, no feet on earth but yours,
Yours are the eyes with which he looks
compassion on this world.
Christ has no body now on earth but yours.”
God’s peace,
Pastor Kyle