Seeds of Faith
This past Sunday, Pastor Julie Grafe (like grace but with an F), who recently joined the congregation with her husband and two adult children, preached a sermon that reminded us that there are seeds of faith growing, often mysteriously, often mysteriously and inconspicuously, until all of a sudden, they grow like weeds!
Pr. Julie shared the inspiring story of Sara Miles, captured in the book “Take This Bread: A Radical Conversion.” Miles’ journey to faith began with a profound experience at the altar, which led her to become a follower of Jesus. Her faith didn’t just transform her life; it also transformed her community. She founded and directed a food pantry that provides free groceries weekly around the altar at St. Gregory of Nyssa Episcopal Church in San Francisco.
Pr. Julie’s sermon – like the book – tried to paint a picture of this incredible ministry. But as powerful as words are, they can only do so much. I wanted to share with you a video that gives you a glimpse into the joy, the community, the care, the abundance…the reign of God come near.
Of course, we pray for the day there is no one in need of food, but until that day, God is present in the sharing.
It reminds me of our participation as a host of the Park Ridge Sunday Night Suppers for many, many years. The reign of God come near.
Now, as we discuss potentially deepening our relationship with other congregations as co-hosts for the 2025-2028 seasons, we are excited about the possibilities. Likely, the meals will be held at First United Methodist Church, but we will have the opportunity to provide leadership and support for about a quarter of the weeks. The reign of God come near…so near we can touch it with our own hands.
I am also excited to be able to announce that Pastor Julie has agreed to serve as a contract pastor here at St. Luke’s, providing approximately one day of support per week and one Sunday a month of preaching. This fills the vacancy left by the support that Pastor John Schumacher provided the past couple of years. Unlike Pastor Schumacher, Pastor Julie will not be primarily focused on pastoral care and visitation ministry. Rather, she will assist me with some pastoral care as well as support other projects that I am currently working on. We will continue to introduce her further in the weeks to come and provide more clarity about the ministry she will be engaged in. To God, our thanks we give.
God’s peace,
Pastor Kyle