Longest Night

With songs, litanies, candles, and prayers, St. Luke’s will offer “holy ground” to acknowledge the complexities of life’s journey, while celebrating light and hope that comes in the birth of Jesus. Please join us on Thursday evening, December 21, at 7:00 p.m. for this service.

Shaping Our Expectations

I want to share some readings, both ancient and new, which can help to arouse our imagination of our awareness of what Advent’s time brings: a mature expectation and sensitivity toward the lord’s coming. Advent summons us to the beginning. The lavishness of God’s compassion and mercy frame yet another year of the church for us. In my blog each week I will share some reflections to help us shape our expectation of the coming of Jesus. I hope and pray that these readings will speak to your hunger for deeper relationship to God through the advent of Jesus Christ into our world and our hearts.

I Love You Soooo Much

I am remembering a note I received from one of my children many years ago. It was boisterously colorful, scribbled with a rainbow of many crayons in a random way. In the middle of a page full of wiggly color. Written in big red thick crayon was this: Dear Daddy, I love you soooooooo much!!!!!” It was a masterpiece, a stunning work of art because it reflected true thanksgiving. There was no particular occasion. I hadn’t done anything recently that I could think of think of to earn such a lavish offering from one of my children. It was simply an act of love for me, a human being who shared a life and a home with another human being and remembered him.

Remembering Carol-And All the Saints

During Summer, 2022, Carol Becker offered to be my coach and mentor as I transitioned our front lawn from grass (and weeds) to a shade garden. This year under her supervision we planted a variety of yews, hostas, ferns, wild geraniums, bergenia, and viburnum, including a blackhaw viburnum tree she chose to replace the serviceberry tree in our parkway which had died last year. It was fun to work with Carol, to experience her enthusiasm, and to see the energy she seemed to draw from this project. Carol was very much alive, despite the challenge of living with metastatic disease.

Good Gifts Fair

Join us December 10 and 17 for the Christmas ELCA Good Gifts Fair before and after worship. Learn about the many ways your donation can support life-changing projects such as the purchase of a farm animal, school supplies, vaccinations, health care, micro loans, as well as access to clean water and improved sanitation. Your gift will help break the cycle of hunger and poverty.
If you are unable to attend, your donation may be made in cash or by check, payable to St. Luke’s. Note that it’s for “ELCA Good Gifts Fair” on the memo line. Donations may also be mailed to the church or made online. Thank you.

84th Candlelight Service

St. Lukes 84th Candlelight Service of Lessons and Carols is held on Sunday, December 3 at 4:00 p.m. The adult and youth choirs, together with a variety of instrumental ensembles and chamber orchestra will lead this traditional seasonal service of word, prayer, and song. Plan now to attend and to bring family, friends, and neighbors.

“Shema” “Mezuzah” “Giving From the heart” 

In a Jewish home you will notice a kind of bump on the door post. It is a small container affixed to the lintel of the door and is called a Mezuzah. Inside, written in Hebrew on a tiny piece of paper are some words from Deuteronomy which is called the Shema. As a person leaves the house and enters the house they touch the Mezuzah. These are the words: “Hear O Israel, the Lord your God is one Lord. You Shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your might and all your soul, and you shall love your neighbor as yourself.” This is the chief law of God in Hebrew Scriptures. Every time a devout believer touches the Shema it is a reminder of the place of God in the person’s life. On leaving the house, upon return, love the Lord. Love your neighbor. Stay in touch with your faith.