The Reformation
The Reformation was a pastoral movement within the one Body of Christ to restore the faith and the Gospel to the common lay believer. Luther translated the Bible into German, did away with the Latin mass and introduced worship in German so people could worship and sing in their heart language. It is important to remember that the possibility of mass communication through Guttenberg’s invention of the printing press was critical in spreading the ideas of the Reformation. It has been true since the beginning of the Christian Church following the resurrection of Jesus, that new platforms of communication have aided the spread of the Gospel.
*In the time of the Apostle Paul the “Pax Romana,” (the Roman peace) made it possible for travel throughout the Roman empire. The roads were good and Paul’s letters could reach his various congregations. Communication was possible between the various churches throughout the empire.
*As noted, the printing press invented by Guttenberg made possible the spread of Luther’s 95 theses and the ongoing exchange of ideas about theology, the faith, the Gospel.
*Radio and television certainly were media in which the Gospel could be shared and people could hear and see testimony to the truth of biblical faith.
*I believe that the internet is another world changing communication platforms. We saw how vital the internet became for us during the recent pandemic. The Reformation was about restoring and making accessible the grace of the Gospel and the biblical witness and worship which enfold it. How will the internet emerge in the coming years to continue the Reformation in new and relevant ways to a society hungry for meaning and connection, but removed from the life of the church?
Pastor Stephen Paul Bouman