Migrant Ministry
Last Saturday a truckload of generosity from St. Luke’s was delivered to Christ Lutheran Church in the pouring rain. 111 tied blankets, 100 Kindness Kits, 25 cases of bottled water, a generous check and BAGS and BAGS full of needed items to help support the migrants living at Christ Church as well as those sleeping in tents, on the street and in the 17th Precinct Police Station. Pastor Tom Terrel was extremely grateful for all of our support and generosity.
A special thanks to Kris Girdaukas (Kim’s sister), the members of the Men’s Bible Study who stepped up and rescued us by helping load the truck as well as Cindy Grau.
This all started with a challenge to the congregation by the Sunday School to make 100 tied blankets this summer. We surpassed that! Sunday School’s God’s work. Our hands project to make 150 Kindness Kits (100 for migrants and 50 for members to pass out as they see a need). The financial support by this congregation that allowed us to pull this all together. THANK YOU ALL!!!
Read more here and learn more through the pictures here.