Plans for Fall 2023
I’m excited to share some news about our worship and Sunday School (child and adult) plans for this fall.
At its July 11 meeting, the Congregation Council passed a resolution that beginning on September 10, 2023, we will offer two distinctive liturgies (services) on Sunday mornings, with Holy Communion at both services. The schedule will be:
- 8:00 to 8:45 am.: First service. This will be a shorter, reflective service of Holy Communion. It will be a less formal, will offer simple music, and will provide an opportunity to explore different formats.
- 9:00 a.m.: Sunday School/adult education/fellowship.
- 10:15 am: Second service. This will be a full service of Holy Communion with fuller musical leadership (our current service format).
The Strategic Plan called for us to move to one service for a season with time for fellowship, Sunday School, an adult forum as we reconnected in Christ coming out of the COVID isolation. When surveyed, most of our members who responded were content with that format, but it was clear that the Sunday School time was too early.
We pray the Holy Spirit’s guidance, blessing, and joy as we continue to Connect in Christ in new ways.
Pastor Stephen Paul Bouman
Thank you to all who provided their input on our worship schedule. Please continue to share your thoughts by emailing Connect@stlukespr.org.