Summer Memories, Summer Sadness

Several years ago, I invited a colleague, an Evanston resident, to join the Windy City Miata Club cohort in the Evanston July 4th Parade. She had a great time breakfasting with club members before the Parade, helping to decorate the roadsters in red, white, and blue, and riding shotgun in the Parade, waving to the enthusiastic crowds which lined Central Street. When the day was over she thanked me, explaining that the summer holidays are always harder for her than Thanksgiving and Christmas.

Recommend a Book

Calling all St. Luke’s readers! St. Luke’s Library will be hosting an Adopt-a-Book Sale in the fall. We love to refresh our collection from time to time, so let us know -What book(s) have you read recently that you would recommend to others? What do you think would be a good addition to our St. Luke’s library? What book(s) have you read recently that you would recommend to others? What do you think would be a good addition to our St. Luke’s library?

It’s About Taking Care of Our Home

Judy and I have done several major home improvement projects in the years since I retired from Rainbow Hospice. The first was replacing the second floor (“Judy’s”) bathroom. Taking the existing bathroom down to the studs was probably one of the most satisfying experiences of my life. At the end of the day I could truly see what I had accomplished.