First They Gave Themselves to the Lord; and then to Us
- I was reminded as we went through the financial report and Endowment recipients that the ministry of our congregation is, indeed, a Global Link for all of us. In our financial report was an item for $9000 dollars, a once a year offering to our support of missionaries. One of those missionaries is Pastor Wal Reat, our missionary in South Sudan. I know Pastor Reat and will share some of his ministry in this week’s video. Let us remember that our budget is a living document of relationships which change lives. All of us are better together.
- Our financial deficit is growing and is now around $50k. Last year our “Giving From the Heart” year-end campaign was historically successful and erased a large deficit and moved us into a positive financial position. I want to remind us that the “Giving From the Heart” campaign was also about regular and generous offerings for the mission of our church. I will be convening our stewardship task force to help us plan a year around stewardship ministry of information, stories of our members and our mission, and spiritual encouragement. Remember what St. Paul reminded the Corinthians in lifting up the Macedonian offering: “First they gave themselves to the Lord; and then to us…” Stewardship is about our relationship to our generous God and then to each other in the Body of Christ.
- Our Call Process is off and running. Wednesday evening, I am convening the first meeting of the Call Committee. We will then have a joint meeting between the Call Committee and the Vision Team to help us embed the Strategic Plan into our Ministry Site Profile. I have reached out to Pastor Kathy Nolte of the Bishop’s office to schedule a meeting with the Call Committee and the Church Council to outline the process. Please keep the Call Committee in our prayers.
I close with this beautiful hymn written by Ambrose in the Fourth Century, giving testimony to Easter resurrection light.
O Splendor of the Father’s light
That makes our daylight lucid, bright;
O Light of light and sun of day,
Now shine on us your brightest ray
True Sun, break out on earth and shine
In radiance with your light divine;
By dazzling of your Spirit’s might,
Oh, give our jaded senses light.
Th Father sends the Son, our Lord,
To be his bright and shining Word;
Come, Lord, ride out your gleaming course
And be our dawn, our light’s true course.
Pastor Stephen Paul Bouman