You Have Heard That It Was Said
Gun violence in our country is a public health crisis. This year (as of February 4) there have been 4,297 gun violence deaths, including 2,442 suicides. There have been 107 gun deaths resulting from the defensive use of a weapon. There have been 60 mass shootings. (Source: Gun Violence Archive)
Jesus said to the disciples: “You have heard it that it was said to those of ancient times, ‘You shall not murder’;
and ‘whoever murders shall be liable to judgment.’” But who is truly liable? Is it the shooter? The person making the “straw purchase”? The parents who gave their child a gun as “an early Christmas present”? The father who assists his son in obtaining a FOID card despite his history of violence. The members of a household who keep a handgun unlocked and accessible to whomever may be in the house? Gun manufacturers? Lobbyist and politicians? Members of a community who have become numbed to constant reports of gun violence, unless violence strikes close to home?
Gun violence in our country is a public health crisis. As a community charged for Christ’s sake with responsibility for our brothers and sisters, we are all liable. We are all called to respond. Our Presiding Bishop, the Reverend Elizabeth Eaton, wrote to us last year following the then most-recent round of mass shootings:
Together with God, we grieve with the families and communities impacted by gun violence — especially in communities where it is an everyday occurrence. These shootings are not isolated but rather a pattern of the gun violence crisis in the United States. The numbers of victims tell only a part of the pain — the trauma caused by gun violence ripples across family members, friends, neighborhoods, communities and this country…
The ELCA is a church in society striving for peace in all the world. Let us join with others in calling for greater gun safety, including preventing easy access to assault-style weapons and strengthening our federal system of background checks for all gun sales. We call for support and protection for those living out their vocations to protect and defend society, enforce the law and work toward restorative justice. We pray for rostered ministers who provide support and counseling services to those affected by gunviolence-related crimes even as we pray for the perpetrators of violent acts. We call upon congregations to hold safe space for those dealing with the fears and threats related to violence in all its manifestations.
In the Sermon on the Mount, Christ calls us to a higher standard. It is not enough that we abstain from violence. We are called to work and pray for the life and health of our neighbors and our community – and for the shalom God intends for all creation.
Pastor John E. Schumacher, BCC