Spiritual Care Visitor Training
I am pleased to know we already have one St. Luke’s participant registered for the Bishop Anderson House Spiritual Care Visitor Training which begins with a full-day retreat on Saturday, March 25, at St. Luke’s. While the registration deadline is March 13, the time to sign up is now. Information about this ministry opportunity has been sent out to the Park Ridge Ministerial Association which is co-sponsoring this training. In addition, Bishop Anderson House has put the St. Luke’s training on its website, so registration information is out there for the entire metro Chicago community. Participation will be capped at twenty people and we would like to see a strong St. Luke’s cohort. A timely response is important.
Why should you do the training? I can think of at least half a dozen reasons off the top of my head:
- Active Listening
- Addiction
- Cognitive impairment
- Cultural humility
- Serious illness
- End of Life and Hospice Care
These issues impact our relationships within our family, at work and volunteer opportunities, with our neighbors and friends, and at our congregation. Spiritual Care Training provides information about these issues and opportunities to practice skills in responding to others. And this knowledge and these skills translate well for visits with fellow parishioners at home and in health care facilities.
Remember the good news that because of grant funding the cost of the training is only $50 in 2023. In 2024 the price will return to $375. Participants will register individually by going to this Bishop Anderson House link (https://www.bishopandersonhouse.org/spiritual-care-visitor-training-application/) no later than March 13. We will cap enrollment at 20 to preserve a small group learning environment so register early!
If you have questions, please feel free to contact me at jesjms@att.net or contact the Bishop Anderson House registrar, Kim Lessner. kim_lessner@rush.edu.
Pastor John E. Schumacher, BCC