Happy (Hopeful) New Year
On the liturgical clock, this Sunday, traditionally called Christ the King, is the Church’s equivalent of 11:59 PM on December 31. Next Sunday, November 27, we begin the new Church Year with the first celebration of the season of Advent, the season of hope.
What is hope? It is said the person who observes a glass of water and sees it as half-empty lives with pessimism. We say another person who observes that same glass and sees it as half-full lives with optimism. But the person who observes a bone dry glass and can see it as full and overflowing with water lives with hope.
When Isaiah stood on the battle-scarred ruins of Jerusalem after the Babylonian invasion and could see the day when “nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war anymore” he was living with hope. (First Sunday of Advent – Isaiah 2:4) When the John the Baptist, sitting in his prison cell, could dare ask of this Galilean carpenter and itinerant preacher “are you the one who is to come?” he was living with hope. (Third Sunday of Advent – Matthew 11:3) Hope is more than mere optimism. It is the recognition of our absolute dependence upon the grace of God for all the good we receive and share.
As we, the people gathered as St. Luke’s Church, move into a new church year, we do so living with hope. We envision a full sanctuary. We commit to building a stronger stewardship base. We dream together of new ministries. We anticipate the calling of a new lead pastor. With hope we can see the work which God is doing in and through this community of faith. With hope we see the things to come. With hope we greet the new year.
Pastor John E. Schumacher, BCC