RefugeeOne Gifts
Once again St Luke’s is providing 200 gift bags for RefugeeOne children. In response to RefugeeOne’s request for us to provide a gift bag with items rather than gift cards, this year we are collecting money to support filling the gift bags. The Christmas parties will be in-person for the first time in a several years and will be held at RefugeeOne’s new location. Santa will be in person this year handing out the gift bags to each child.
Once again St Luke’s will be providing 200 gift bags for RefugeeOne children. The last couple of years we have done a $20 gift card, small bag with candy and a little gift. In response to RefugeeOne’s request for us to provide a gift bag with items rather than gift cards, this year will be a little different in that we will be collecting money to support filling the gift bags. The Christmas parties will be in-person for the first time in a several years and will be held at RefugeeOne’s new location. Santa will be in person this year handing out the gift bags to each child.
In order to streamline the process, we are ordering all of the items that will go into the bags. This way no one has to go shopping. The bags will contain candy, books, toy items, fidgets, crayons, etc. Our goal is to spend $25 per bag.
During Sunday School on November 27 (the First Sunday of Advent), we will fill the bags as a service project for all of the children, their families, and whoever would like to join us. Sunday School starts at 8:30 in Henderson Hall. More information will be forthcoming.
If you are able to make Christmas bright for the RefugeeOne children there are 3 steps.
1. Email to Kim Hendee or Anne Paolone to let us know you are in.
2. Please specify the dollar amount you are able to donate.
3. Please send or drop off a check at church made out to St. Luke’s memo line: “RefugeeOne Christmas.” You can give electronically. Select “Other” and in the Note field, specify RefugeeOne Christmas.
Donations or donation commitments are appreciated by November 20, but we are able to receive donations after that date.
Thank you in advance for your generosity!
Any questions, please call or email hendeekim@gmail.com and annepaolone@gmail.com
Kim: 847-825-2258 Home, or 847-612-0627 Cell Anne: 312-351-4494