What Year is It?

A pandemic wreaking havoc across the land. Social unrest leading to fires and violence in the streets. A politically divided people, seemingly on the verge of fracture. New information technologies bringing radical changes to mass communication, causing people to question what is true.

Lutheran Dimensions of Faith

Some Lutheran Dimensions of Faith:
1. Vocation is sacred. Being a student, a friend, one’s job, an adult member of a congregation, are all vocations. The “priesthood of all believers” strengthens the fundamental dignity of the rhythms of our lives as our arena to praise God and love our neighbor. To help “flesh out” the vocation of church membership I stressed five tangible things when I taught confirmation:
1. Regular worship and reception of the sacrament.
2. A regular money offering.
3. A piece of ministry all their own (taking an elderly neighbor shopping, teaching Sunday School, etc.)
4. Some form of continued growth in the word (at home, Bible class, etc.)
5. Daily prayer for the ministry of the church and those in need.

They are Us

You are invited to join with members of the North Carolina Synod of the ELCA in a study of Pastor Bouman’s book titled, They are Us: Lutherans and Immigration. Through stories of crisis and hope, They Are Us helps Christian communities understand themselves and their ministries as part of God’s narrative of love and hospitality for the little, the lost, the last, and the least.

Island of Truth and Freedom

In the Gospel for Reformation Sunday in John, chapter 8 Jesus says to us: “You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”

Those who are grasped by the truth of the Gospel have the freedom to be for the world, to serve the neighbor. That, finally, is the power of the reformation. What began as a crisis in pastoral care, in a concern that we not seek to escape from a confrontation with our mortality and a life apart from God (which we call sin), is a powerful word to us: the Gospel sets us free for truth, for service, for living for others. That alone authentically renews and reforms the church. St. Luke’s future will not come through schemes for survival, but from the truth that we are set free to serve in an always renewing and reforming mission.

Lutheranism 101

On Sunday, October 23 Pastor Bouman will teach “Lutheranism 101.” This course is meant for new members, prospective members and all those looking to rekindle their knowledge of the basics of . the Lutheran tradition within the Body of Christ. Please invite someone you know who may be interested in considering membership at St. Luke’s.

The Leper’s Touching Thanks

“On the way to Jerusalem Jesus was passing along between Samaria and Galilee. And as he entered a village, he was met by ten lepers, who stood at a distance, who lifted up their voices…” Lepers who stood at a distance. That is the heartbreaking thing about leprosy. It is a disease which not only attacks the body, but also isolates the soul. A leper is extremely contagious.

Cards for Every Occasion

Don’t forget those college students this fall! The card ministry has some awesome Halloween and Thinking of You cards. Have you ever thought that $5 you can touch the heart of a student, a grandchild, or anyone you wish to remember, and help the World Hunger campaign at the same time! Cards are available Sundays mornings in the atrium or any time the building is open.

Spirit Matters

October’s topic is ‘The Spiritual Gifts of Aging.’ Spirit Matters meetings include scripture and other readings with an opportunity for reflection and sharing as it relates to one’s life of faith and relationship with God. Come be with us for a time of spiritual rest and refreshment.

Living in God’s Abundance

First, I want to join the participants of the Adult Forum and the children in Sunday School to come together for a brief opening worship in Henderson Hall at 8:30. It will be a great blessing to “Connect in Christ,” across the generations. The children all wear Name Necklaces so that we can greet them by name and get to know them. So let’s join them at 8:30 for prayers, a brief lesson based on the Gospel for the day, and joyful songs. This invitation is to any adult at St. Luke’s, whether you attend the adult forum or share conversation around a cup of coffee. Let me repeat the invitation. Adult Forum will join Sunday School for opening worship at 8:30, then begin the Bible study in the conference room at 8:45