Solar for Your Home
Now is the time to consider solar energy for your home. Wednesday September 28 at 7:00 p.m. in Henderson Hall. We hear from two experts how to take advantage of what the sun has to offer when powering our residences or churches. There are many options to consider when looking at solar. New incentives were added by Illinois in 2021 and more options were added with the passage of the federal Inflation Reduction Act. Dan Huntsha of Faith in Place and Tim Milburn, an industry consultant, will provide two segments with time for questions.
This event will be held in Henderson Hall, which is handicapped accessible. It also comfortably seats a very large audience. Masks are encouraged by not required as of this time.
Solar Tour of Homes in Park Ridge
Also Go Green Park Ridge and the Sustainability Commission are hosting a free Solar Tour of homes in Park Ridge on Saturday, September 24 from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. More details will be available at gogreenparkridge.org closer to the date. The ISEA is hosting a statewide tour of homes on that date. Illinois Solar Energy Association – 2022 Solar Tour – Northern Sites
If you have questions, contact Cindy Grau at cgrau8@gmail.com.
Faith in Place Green Team Summit
Faith in Place is holding their annual Green Team Summit from September 11 to14. The keynote speaker is Dr. Katharine Hayhoe, a climate scientist who’s TED talk “The most important thing you can do to fight climate change: talk about it” has nearly 4 million views. She does extensive outreach on this subject as a Christian to people of faith helping show “how our faith demands that we act on this issue.” This year the event will be virtual. Perhaps you can gather together with others at a watch party or host one. 2022 Green Team Summit