What You’re Making Possible
What a joy to be with you again! Having been baptized into the body of Christ at St. Luke’s by Pastor Spangler on Easter Sunday 1954, being here today feels like coming home. Thank you for your invitation and warm welcome.
And thank you, saints of St. Luke’s, for your generosity to ELCA World Hunger! Thank you for setting and working toward such generous goals – and thank you for consistently outdoing yourselves and exceeding your goals! What a difference you are making here and around the world, now and for generations to come.
The following excerpt from the 2022 ELCA Churchwide Assembly Pre-Assembly Report: Service and Justice describes what you’re making possible. Sunday’s sermon will include stories of individuals and families you’re accompanying with your prayers, study, and gifts.
ELCA World Hunger works to restore dignity and wholeness to communities that have been historically marginalized by injustice, conflict, and climate challenges. Domestically, between 2019 and 2021, 165 ministries across 64 synods received over $2.065 million in ELCA World Hunger Domestic Hunger grants that will impact 900,000 people.
In 2022, 12 Big Dream grants totaling $1,432,144 were invested in transformative, integrated, and holistic hunger ministries. These grants were awarded to ministries such as Church on the Street, a church community of unsheltered people living with poverty that offers physical and spiritual food in Sioux Falls, S.D., and MOSES, a Black-led community organizing group that works to end water shut-offs in marginalized neighborhoods in southeastern Michigan.
In 2020 and 2021, 396 Daily Bread matching grants were awarded. Participating congregations raised a total of $581,750 to provide daily bread to neighbors in need, tripling the impact of ELCA World Hunger’s investment.
Within the past three years, ELCA World Hunger educational materials, networking, and engagement have reached thousands of people of all ages within faith communities through season resources, Vacation Bible School curricula, resources on climate justice and gender justice, and more, equipping leaders and advocates who raise awareness and encourage support in congregations and synods.
ELCA World Hunger support for international relief and development projects exceeded $41 million during the pandemic. A health clinic in South Sudan is one example of significant work that was supported. In 2021, almost 32,000 people were served by the Reconciliation Lutheran Primary Health Care Unit and the Evangelical Lutheran Church Africa Mission in South Sudan. With a grant of $618,000, the health clinic in South Sudan was upgraded and new livelihood and literacy initiatives were launched.
Thank you, St. Luke’s, for your partnership with ELCA World Hunger! Thank you for your leadership, for inspiring other congregations, for being one of the Most Generous to ELCA World Hunger congregations across the ELCA.
The Rev. Robin Brown
On behalf of ELCA World Hunger