Youth Pool Party
All Youth Groups, 6th-12th grade, are invited to a free swimming party at Hinkley Pool on Sunday, August 7th, from 7:30-9:30 p.m., sponsored by Park Ridge Parish Youth We invite all youth leaders to come as well!
What is the Park Ridge Parish Youth?
Youth Ministry is crucial to congregational life and in a local community! As your local clergy leaders, we’ve been dreaming about the parish (geographical mission field) of Park Ridge and the congregations within it! By working together, we are not replacing the work with youth that takes place in our own churches, but in cooperation so that we can build and create a broader sense of community amongst our young people. Please contact Mollie Foster or Amanda Joria with any questions:
Pastor Mollie Foster, Associate Minister at Park Ridge Community Church: pastormollie@parkridgecommunitychurch.org
Pastor Amanda Joria, Associate Pastor for Children’s, Youth, Mission and Outreach Ministries at Park Ridge Presbyterian Church amanda@parkridgepresby.org
Follow us on Instagram @prparishyouth
Pastor Mollie and Pastor Amanda