All Hands on Deck
I would like to share an update on the status of my work with you here at St. Luke’s-Park Ridge and how it relates to my ministry with Saint Luke-Belmont. When I began the interim work here, we believed that Saint Luke-Belmont was at the near end of their call process. Unfortunately, that has not been the case despite having several viable candidates that fell through. It has caused a challenge for both congregations that I am trying to work through to be able to turn my full focus on this congregation.
Here is a timetable on how I came to be at St. Luke’s. Starting last November, the Call Committee in Chicago brought the name of a candidate to the Church Council, who unanimously voted to present the candidate to a meeting of the congregation to Call him as the next senior pastor at Saint Luke. They had begun to work on a date for this special meeting.
Later that week, I met with Pastor Biekman, our liaison from the bishop’s office, who told me about the impending vacancy at Park Ridge and said several folks had asked him if I was available. After some conversation, it was agreed by both congregations that I would begin an interim ministry in Park Ridge which would be full time when the new pastor arrived in Chicago; half time until then. It has been a long and good practice that interim pastors begin to move away from the congregation to make room and emotional space to welcome the new pastor. It seemed this would provide a good ending for me and a good beginning for the new pastor on Belmont.
After a couple of weeks, and to the surprise of all of us, the chosen candidate withdrew from the process in Chicago. There were also budget issues at Park Ridge which would make it difficult to fund two full time pastors, so I served half time at each congregation until we were ready to begin our listening season and vision process. I then went to three-quarter time in Park Ridge and one-quarter time in Chicago, which is the present arrangement. Since then, the Chicago Call Committee deeply went into the process with another candidate, who also withdrew late in the process. I understand that the Chicago Call Committee will soon be receiving more names of possible candidates. And then Pastor Sally began her medical leave.
So here is the status right now: I remain three-quarter time in Park Ridge and one quarter time in Chicago. I am grateful that a retired pastor in each congregation has agreed to be a Visitation Pastor. I look forward to working with Pastor John Schumacher in Park Ridge. A seminary student and member in Chicago has agreed to handle worship planning and working with acolytes, crucifers, altar guild, and supply pastors. We are also seeking a possible new interim pastor for Saint Luke, Chicago.
I hope to name an Implementation Team for our Strategic Plan by the end of this week or the beginning of next. They will plan, with the staff, for a public and joyful launch of the Strategic Plan and all its recommendations this fall. When the plan has been launched, we will live into it, with the help of the Implementation Team. When we have evaluated the first hundred days of the launch, we will evaluate and begin to think and pray about the formation of a Call Committee for the next Lead Pastor of St. Luke’s. We need all of you to make our bold recommendations for mission a reality. It’s “all hands-on deck” time. I truly believe that the Holy Spirit is leading us into the next season of God’s mission among us in church and community.
Grace and peace,
Pastor Stephen Bouman