Lutheran Summer Music
Hello Everyone!
I haven’t dropped off the face of the earth, it’s just that I’m 110% consumed with music and worship here at LSM. What a fabulous experience this is! Many thanks to St. Luke’s for supporting my time here with the students. The church is in good hands musically for the coming years – these students are amazing!
Here’s a link to a video from Morning Prayer one day this week, singing a stanza of “There In God’s Garden” https://www.facebook.com/lutheranmusicprogram/videos/2252519708239016
And a video of the beginning student handbell group rehearsing a piece in the chapel: https://www.facebook.com/lutheranmusicprogram/videos/616346942928859 One more, a 25 second clip of the string faculty rehearsing a piece for their recital: https://www.facebook.com/lutheranmusicprogram/videos/453441483228109
Sunday’s service July 17 will include a Bach Cantata with soloists, choir, and orchestra (!) Then we’re into Festival Week with all the final recitals, performances, and worship services. It’s a whirlwind. The Association of Lutheran Church Musicians (ALCM) will arrive on Monday for a conference overlapping with LSM through Thursday. My composition students will share their brand-new pieces in a “Fresh Ink!” recital on Tuesday. We have a big hymn festival on Wednesday night, band concert on Thursday, choir on Friday, orchestra on Saturday, final festival worship service on Sunday, July 24.
I’ll come up for air after that, fired up and ready to plan exciting things for St. Luke’s for the fall.
See you soon!