Responding in a Time of Crisis
Last month there was a crisis in Park Ridge at the Bristol Court Apartments. Within a day of the fire, St Luke’s teamed with another Park Ridge Church and the local authorities to put together a clothing drive. An email went out to the congregation to donate within the next 24 hours to make an immediate impact in our community. And WOW, did people respond, both within the congregation and within the community. On the day that we were to collect all the clothes to be transported from St. Luke’s, a young man, an assistant and a box truck showed up at St. Luke’s.
The young man backed the truck up and asked where to put all the goods. As I began to talk with him, he asked if he could come into the sanctuary. As we walked in, he took a deep breath and said, “it still smells the same.” He told me he had worshiped here as a child and was confirmed here – he asked if they still had the confirmation pictures up. I said yes.
As we found his picture from the early 2000s, he turned to the assistant and I and said, “you know, as soon as they told me the job was to deliver the goods for the clothing drive for the fire victims to St. Luke’s, I smiled. I knew that in the time of crisis, St. Luke’s would be ready to help. I am really excited that I was put on this job today, because I knew St. Luke’s would make a difference and respond when there was a need.”
He then asked if this was the final delivery place and when I said no, he said he would bring it where it needed to go. I asked him if he had any more room in the box truck, he said yes, it was only half full. We continued to talk and reminisce as five us loaded the rest of the truck up with what seemed to hardly make a dent in what had been donated, but their assistance made a difference. From St. Luke’s alone went more than half of a box truck of goods, a stuffed mini-van and pocket full of gift cards that made an incredible impact in our local community. And God, who is abundant, saw that not only were fire victims cared for, but local folks with housing insecurity, elderly, youth, children and anyone in need in Park Ridge, were able to be clothed.
This impact came because I knew St Luke’s would respond. When the call went out to the churches, I immediately volunteered our support… and in fact, we were the only other congregation willing to support the effort in donations of goods or time to serve our neighbor.
Thank you again for your generosity as we serve our neighbor in our local neighborhood.
Pastor Sally Hanson