My Peace I Leave With You
Our extended family experienced a devastating loss. My sister, Helene’s son, Peter died last night. I made a video which I want to share both with Saint Luke, Chicago’s Wednesday video, and also St. Luke’s Park Ridge for my Pastor’s blog this week.
“Beloved in Christ. We all have moments which are beyond words, especially when tragedy happens, when loved ones die. Our extended family is experiencing such a moment as we heard of the death of my nephew Peter this morning. His mother is my sister, Helene. Please keep us all in your prayers as we mourn his death. In the video for this week, I share some reflections which I hope comfort you in your time of loss or memory of such a time, when our feelings were beyond words. In the video I share the words of Jesus from the Gospel of John: “My peace I leave with you…” When you have finished watching the video I invite you to click on the link below. In the video I refer to a piece of music my father wrote, which is comforting our family now, based on the words of Jesus: “My peace I leave with you.” I hope that you also find comfort and solace from the text and the music.
Pastor Stephen Bouman