Park Ridge Parish Youth
Park Ridge Parish Youth — Game Night!
Friday, May 6, 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Grades 6-12
St. Luke’s Lutheran Church Henderson Hall
205 N. Prospect Ave.
Join us and bring your friends for a night of fun! Gym games, youth group games, board games, hide and seek, and activities! Pizza, pop and snacks provided. RSVPs appreciated but not required.
Youth Ministry is crucial to congregational life. It shows up in lots of different ways and is often a foundation to a person having a life in Christ. COVID has changed the landscape of church, youth ministry included. As your local clergy leaders, we’ve been dreaming about the parish (geographical mission field) of Park Ridge and the congregations within it and about a youth ministry collaboration. By working together, we are not replacing the work with youth that takes place in our own churches, but cooperating so that we can build the kind of scale that allows us to create really fun events and a broader sense of community among our young people. So, we are putting our faith into action and launching Park Ridge Parish Youth. We are starting small but led by great ambitions. We would love you to join us. Our first event is a Game Night at St. Luke’s on May 6. We are putting together a pool party in August, sponsored by Park Ridge Community Church, and we are planning a joint mission trip next summer, with other monthly events to be announced soon.