Park Ridge Parish Youth

Park Ridge Parish Youth — Game Night!
Friday, May 6, 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Grades 6-12
St. Luke’s Lutheran Church Henderson Hall
205 N. Prospect Ave.
Join us and bring your friends for a night of fun! Gym games, youth group games, board games, hide and seek, and activities! Pizza, pop and snacks provided. RSVPs appreciated but not required.

The Endless Alleluia!

The Vision Team, our consultant and I, are in the midst of listening to over one hundred members of our congregation, community and neighboring Lutheran congregations, in a series of individual and group meetings. This past Sunday twelve of you participated in virtual and in-person group meetings. Several of our cabinets have engaged this listening process. If you would like to speak into this process with an individual meeting with a member of the listening team, please let Sylvia know in the office. I will be meeting in person with the Vision Team this coming Sunday as we continue to listen and gather insights and identify emerging themes and issues. In this blog entry I want to say a few words about the Easter contlext for this process.

Peace Be With You

Alleluia, Christ is Risen !

Last week we gathered for a triumphal celebration of the resurrection of our Lord. This week we hear more about the hours following Mary’s discovery of the empty tomb. Jesus comes to the disciples who are still hiding offering Christ’s peace as he breathed upon them. I wonder what that tomb breath may have smelled like but the scriptures do tell us what it felt like – the ultimate sense of peace.

Spirit Matters

Spirit Matters will gather at church on Monday, May 23, 7:00 p.m. There is also an option to join in via Zoom. Our topic will be “God as Spirit.” Faith is not only about what we believe but about how we encounter God in our day-to-day lives.

Alleluia, Christ is Risen

Alleluia, Christ is Risen! Christ is Risen indeed, Alleluia!

We are Easter people who with each day die and rise again in the love and mercy of Jesus Christ. On this day of Christ’s resurrection, we rejoice with all who have gone before us and all who are yet to come in the great communion of saints. We give thanks and praise knowing that we are forgiven and called beloved just as we are. The resurrection proves that no matter the circumstances, we can start over and rise again, and again, and again in the name of Christ Jesus our Lord who on this day has risen from the grave.

Holy Week

This coming Sunday is Palm Sunday and we enter into Holy Week and the Passion of Jesus Christ. I want to share with you a devotion I wrote on Palm Sunday for Lenten devotional published jointly by Lutheran and Methodist Campus Ministry in 1991. The background for the devotion is that with a Roman Catholic priest and Jewish Rabbi I led an interfaith pilgrimage to the Holy Land. In the Holy Land we met Marian, a journalist who covered and wrote about the pilgrimage. The devotion begins with a reflection by Marian.