Crafts for Ukraine
You are invited to a “Crafts for Ukraine” event on Saturday, April 23 in Henderson Hall, hosted by the Card Ministry Team. It will be a Make and Take workshop, i.e. the Card Team will be providing materials, samples and instructions for making up to 3 cards to take home. Adults, teens, and children accompanied by adults, can drop in between 10:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. The donation will be $15.00 individual and $20.00 per family.
There will also be a sale of used paper craft products and equipment, mainly donated by Carol Tice’s family and other team members, in Carol’s honor. All the proceeds from the workshop and the sale will go to Lutheran Disaster Response’s efforts in Ukraine and neighboring countries.
If you would like to help host a craft station, or assist with set-up and welcoming participants—please let Kathy Figler know at (224) 284-1908.
View the Crafts for Ukraine Workshop Video.
Bring your friends and neighbors. All are welcome!