Adopt a Book
St. Luke’s library continues to search for new, fresh materials that have a wide appeal to our members, and at the same time reflect our policy of providing resources that strengthen the educational work of the church, increase understanding of our faith, enrich our worship life, provide information on societal issues, and deepen our relationship with Jesus Christ.
With these purposes in mind, the Library Team has again pre-selected books for you to consider for donation to the library. The books will be available for browsing and purchasing on Sundays, March 27 and April 3, 2022. Here’s how it works:
1. Choose a book that you would like to donate.
2. Indicate if you would like to honor or memorialize a loved one, or celebrate a special occasion with a gift in someone’s name. A bookplate will be placed inside with that information.
3. Pay for the book with cash or check made out to St.Luke’s Lutheran Church. (Put Library in the memo line.)
4. The book will be placed on our shelves with gratitude!