Epiphany Bible Study
Thursdays at 12 p.m. via Zoom, beginning January 6. The focus of the Bible Study would remain the same: a study of the texts for the coming Sunday. Teaching and studying scripture is one of the great joys of Pastor Bouman’s ministry. Epiphany is a great time to grow in God’s Word! The Zoom Link appears at the end of this message.
There is a core group of about ten from the Bible Study at St. Luke’s Church on Belmont, Pastor Bouman would like to include with our group here in Park Ridge. They are a wonderful and diverse group (one from the upper peninsula of Michigan, one from Kansas City), and hungry for the Word.
Saint Luke is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Bible Class
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 992 4691 2627
Passcode: saintluke